Source code for dylightful.msm

from sys import prefix

import deeptime.markov as markov
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
from deeptime.markov import TransitionCountEstimator

from dylightful.discretizer import smooth_projection_k_means, tae_discretizer
from dylightful.postprocess import sort_markov_matrix
from dylightful.utilities import get_dir, make_name

[docs]def build_tae_msm(traj_path, time_ser, num_states, prefix=None): """does the tae analysis of a dynophore trajectory Args: traj_path (string): path to trajectory to be discretized num_states (int): assumed states """ save_path = get_dir(traj_path) proj = tae_discretizer( time_ser=time_ser, num_states=num_states, save_path=save_path ) labels = smooth_projection_k_means(proj, num_states) msm = fit_msm(trajectory=labels, save_path=save_path, prefix=prefix) return msm, labels, proj, time_ser
[docs]def fit_msm(trajectory, prefix=None, save_path=None): """Function to fit the msm to a given trajectory and save the vizualization Args: trajectory ([type]): Time series to be discretized prefix ([type], optional): Name to save a file. save_path ([type], optional): Wheree to save a file. Returns: [type]: msm """ plot_clustered_traj(trajectory=trajectory, prefix=prefix, save_path=save_path) plt.cla() plt.clf() estimator, count_matrix, counts = model_msm(trajectory) ax = sns.heatmap(sort_markov_matrix(count_matrix)) fig = ax.get_figure() name = "_msm_count_matrix.png" file_name = make_name(prefix=prefix, name=name, dir=save_path) fig.savefig(file_name, dpi=300) plt.cla() plt.clf() name = "_msm_transistion_matrix.png" file_name = make_name(prefix=prefix, name=name, dir=save_path) msm = transition_matrix = msm.transition_matrix ax = sns.heatmap(sort_markov_matrix(transition_matrix)) fig = ax.get_figure() plt.xlabel("State") plt.ylabel("State") plt.savefig(file_name, dpi=300) plt.cla() plt.clf() return msm, count_matrix
[docs]def model_msm(trajectory): """Fits the estimator for the Markovian analysis Args: trajectory (_type_): _description_ Returns: _type_: _description_ """ estimator = TransitionCountEstimator(lagtime=1, count_mode="sliding") counts = count_matrix = counts.count_matrix # fit and fetch the model estimator = markov.msm.MaximumLikelihoodMSM( reversible=True, stationary_distribution_constraint=None ) return estimator, count_matrix, counts
[docs]def plot_clustered_traj(trajectory, prefix=None, save_path=None): """plots the discretized trajectory of the Markov Model Args: labels ([type]): [description] """ plt.cla() plt.clf() name = "_discretized_trajectory.png" file_name = make_name(prefix=prefix, name=name, dir=save_path) plt.scatter( np.arange(0, len(trajectory), 1), trajectory, marker="x", s=4, color="black" ) plt.savefig(file_name, dpi=300)
[docs]def map_pharmacophore_states(labels, parsed_states): pass
if __name__ == "__main__": # traj = "../tests/Trajectories/ZIKV/ZIKV-Pro-427-1_dynophore_time_series.json" # parsed_states = # labels = build_tae_msm(traj_path, num_states) pass